Zoning and Land Use:
Current Zoning: FM-1
Land Use: Under the Broadway Plan – Fairview Slopes Area C (FSLC)
Policy and Density Details:
Uses: Residential, retail/service, office
Tenure: Secured Rental Housing or Strata Ownership Housing
Scenario 1:
Max Height: 20 storeys
Max Density: 7.0 FSR
Min Frontage: 45.7 m (150 ft)
Notes: Market rental housing with a minimum 20% of the net residential floor area secured as below-market rents.
Scenario 2:
Max Height: 20 storeys
Max Density: 7.0 FSR
Min Frontage: 45.7 m (150 ft)
Notes: Strata ownership housing with a minimum of 20% of the residential floor area delivered as turnkey social housing
Scenario 3:
Potential for higher density and building height through initial helijet and massing studies conducted by the Vendor. (See brochure for details)