781 S Chestnut St, Reed City, MI 49677, is a prime location for commercial development due to its proximity to Reed City
Area Public Schools and the downtown core. This property offers a unique opportunity to be a pioneer on the south side of
town, which is home to prominent manufacturing facilities such as General Mills and Yoplait. The increasing demand for
businesses and retail in Reed City further underscores the potential of this site for future development. This site sees over
1,000 vehicles passing by on a daily basis.
Encompassing approximately 0.62 acres on the suburban south side of the city, this property is one of the few locations
offering the chance to develop a new business in the vicinity. It is ideal for businesses, commercial ventures, and/or
manufacturing. The site’s "B4" zoning provides exceptional flexibility, enabling unique development possibilities not available
in other properties currently on the market.