Located in heart of Madison St - The " Bucktown of the Suburbs ! Mixed Use Building with a 3,050 SF Restaurant & 2 apartments on 2nd floor , Opportunity to step up with your Restaurant Concept & GO ! Please do not disturb existing tenant. Currently seats 82 inside & 20 on front patio , 11 foot hood , features both a walk in Cooler & walk in Freezer , Additional Basement storage. Area neighbors include , Starbucks, Play it again Sports , Casa Humilde Brewery / Restaurant , Roberts Music Venue, Chipolte , Parkway Cannabis Dispensary and over a dozen additional restaurants ! Strong Demographics - 1 mile Radius - 35,428 Population , $ 111,559 Average Household Income , 3 Mile Radius - 250,497 Population , $ 95,855 Average Household Income , Over 18,000 vehicles pass by daily !