This sale offers the opportunity to purchase an affordable housing development site in the Wilmington area of the City of Los Angeles. The site qualifies for no parking requirement and unlimited density and is in a qualified opportunity zone (QOZ).
The subject property, located at 725 North Broad Avenue, consists of three parcels for a total of 13,679 square feet of land. Located one block from a major transit stop (AB 2097) and in an area of low vehicle travel (AB 2334) the site qualifies for no parking requirement and unlimited density for 100% affordable projects. Additionally, the site is situated in a qualified opportunity zone (QOZ) offering significant tax incentives.
Situated on Broad Avenue, south of Anaheim Street, the subject property is located in a desirable location for an affordable development in the Wilmington area, which is a part of the City of Los Angeles. The site is flat, rectangular and has dimensions of 75’ wide by 182’ deep. The property is one block from a major transit stop and is 1 mile from a freeway access point (Anaheim St and the 110 freeway).
725 North Broad Avenue offers the opportunity to purchase a high-density 100% affordable development site in the Wilmington area. Financing options, including seller financing, are available to qualified buyers.