Calvary Baptist Church Property Overview--- LOCATION: -Burbank, CA, at the corner of Elmwood Ave and Glenoaks Blvd -
Conveniently close to the freeway and public transportation -Near Burbank Media Center and Glendale MAIN BUILIDING
FEATURES: -Entry hall with private offices on both sides -Church Nave and Chancel -Spacious choir balcony with five pews and
loft storage -Worship area connected to a quiet room -Separate meeting space for classes, conferences, or Bible studies -
Additional amenities: music room, baptismal area, and private rooms DAYCARE CENTER (Detached Building): -Toddler
classroom -Educational rooms -Bathrooms -Kitchen area -Teachers' room -Upstairs community room with two study rooms and
a lavatory POTENIAL USES: -Educational facility -Family daycare home -Community care facility -Supportive home services -
Place of worship -Daycare center -Future apartment development PROPERTY DETAILS: -City records: 7,957 square feet -
Appraiser measurement: 10,256 square feet -Corner lot with alley access -DEVELOPERS: Zoned R4 base allowable density is
12.5 units (17,510 divided by 1,400) See agent remarks for Density bonus.