If you or your Client wants the best location in Coralville/Iowa City market for your prime project, here is the opportunity. 1.64 acres of land, Whether you are into Multi Family,Mixed use or Retail or QSR with Drive Thro or Fine Dining or Bars/Lounge or want to open a Sports facility or build a Medical Office Building or....
Are you a broker having good contacts with Regional/National/Global brands ? Well, here is your chance, pick up the phone and dial the number to that contact you worked with on a recent or a long ago deal, they may appreciate you drawing their attention to this prime land in # Hawkeyes market off the I-80 and across from the XTREAM Arena.
This lot is in 2 parts, one having a restaurant at the moment with full frontage and another behind the Coffee Shop that opened up some 3 yrs ago but has a straight line access to the main road ,we can give you the land in the back approx 1.12 acres if you need a smaller lot, or maybe the 0.64 acres if that fits your project
Inviting ALL offers,