Shop with 2 complete bathrooms!! Cistern & Septic!! 48'x56' pole style building w/ center wall divider. 16' walls & 29 gauge metal exterior. 2 Bollards installed on each side of garage doors (4 total). 4- 18"x18" windows, 3- 36" Man doors, 2- 14'x14' insulated garage doors installed w/Jack Shaft Operator. 10'x10' header installed for future door on West side. Two 125 K BTU gas heaters installed with gas piping, rough plumbing for bathrooms. 2 kitchen areas w/sinks, cabinets, electrical, 2 fridges. 2 electrical panels & gas meters allowing for separate electrical on each side. 20 total - 1 1 OV outlets each bay, 3- 30 amp RV outlets (2 outside, 1 inside), 12'x48' mezzanine w/2 finished office spaces including windows, carpeting, mini splits. All info from 3rd party sources & deemed reliable. Info subject to change & not guaranteed or warranted. Buyer & buyer’s agent to verify all info.