The property is located at a major street Glendora Avenue street retails center, neighborhood Cities with West Covina and Hacienda Heights, ideal for retail/ whole sale or office use. There are a lot of front parking spaces and gated side and rear parking. There are many long term tenants have been there for many years, such hair salon, nail shop and Mexican sauces /pasta wholesale company, also a Mexican restaurant. Large lot approx. 23360 Sf, have many front parking spaces and gated side parking, each unit has its own restroom and rear exit door, can be combined for total approx. 2160 sf., into a large unit. Landlord is looking for 3 or 5 years lease.. Please check with city planning and building department for the use code and requirement.
Best Regards,
Kinny Lin
Treelane Realty Group
Direct: (626)625-5034