Now Available!
Excellent 5-AC Commercial Site on Hwy 165 in North Monroe!
Why invest in this location?
Located in an area of several new upscale businesses.
Located close to other newer multi-family residential developments.
Located just across from The Reserve on Bayou Desiard apartment community.
Traffic Counts of 25,544 cars/day.
Whether Multi-Unit Properties, Townhomes, Condo, Offices or Retail, this property is worth considering as your next investment opportunity.
Lot Size: 456.99 x 437.63 x 445.41 x 540.35.
Road Frontage: 456.99 with a 25' access point over railroad tracks.
Site Surface: 2.7 AC - Asphalt; 2.3 AC - manicured pecan orchard.
Zoned: Parish. Not in City Limits.
Topography: Level with slope at rear to drainage.
Not in a Flood Zone.
Gas, Electric, Sewer, Water at Site.
Surrounding Land Use: Commercial/Residential
The area has a reputation in commercial development with an upward trend from the typical neighborhood business to a more upscale use with several new business and multi-family residential developments having been completed or being completed within the past few years. Building range in age from new to 50 years of age. Most are renovated or maintained by long-standing occupants.
For more information, call Jennifer Causey at 318-261-0892.