625 Industrial Boulevard, known for its signature mural created by a renowned local artist, is an unmistakable facet of the St. Elmo Arts District. The building's artistic exterior vibrantly colorizes the streetscape while the space invites a range of tenants to experience its unique features and establish a footprint in this flourishing area.
Spanning 7,740 square feet, the freestanding flex building sits at the corner of Industrial Boulevard and Terry-O Lane with surface parking and room to maneuver vehicles around the parcel. The first floor has a man-door entrance into a showroom area with a customer counter, a small back kitchen, a restroom, and two enclosed offices. This floor also has a 4,450-square-foot warehouse with three extra-large drive-in doors. The second floor comprises sleek office space with three private offices and a restroom.
Interstate 35 and Highway 290 intersect a half-mile from 625 Industrial Boulevard, empowering tenants with superior connectivity. This address is also at the heart of the St. Elmo Arts District, a hotbed for innovative businesses and residential migration. This forms a cooperative scene of businesses, amenities, and professionals that will accelerate the success of any establishment here. Chic spots like St. Elmo Brewing Company, The Yard, Warehouse Billiard Bar, and more are within walking distance, plus an influx of new high-end apartment options have added to the streetscape and supported the district’s population growth.