Creative, flexible office/event/multimedia space in Detroit’s Central Business District adjacent to Huntington Place (COBO Hall). The building offers a Hi-Tech audiovisual staging with easy conversion use, a vibrant cafeteria, beautiful conference rooms, and many other amenities to accommodate office and event usage. Three (3) contiguous floors are available with an elevator and accommodations for private entry.
The subject property is located in Detroit’s CBD, adjacent to the Huntington Center, formerly known as the TCF Center/Cobo Hall. Huntington Place is Detroit’s 2,400,000 SF convention center. Major corporate tenants surround this building and government heads such as the City of Detroit City Council, Mayoral Of?ce, Wayne County Headquarters, and courts. The Corporate surroundings allow for B2B commerce. Rocket Mortgage, GM, Ally Bank, Huntington Bank, Meridian Health, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and more conduct business within a 1-mile radius of the CBD.