* High-Traffic, Significant Frontage – Shops on Pine @ Mosaic (Building J) is one of the highest trafficked (vehicle and pedestrian) portion in the Mosaic district and trade area given the entirety of its significant frontage on Pine Avenue at the 5th Street and 6th Street signalized intersections
* Value-Add Opportunity with Significant Upside Potential – At ±52% occupancy and given US Army and US Armed Forces significantly below market rent, this portion presents a legitimate short- and long-term value-add opportunity through vacant space lease-up and rolling US Army and US Armed Forces significantly below market rent to market levels
* Well Below Market Rents – The US Army and US Armed Forces, as a majority of the in-place GLA, are well below market levels –approximately 26% below market
* Significant Income Growth – Through lease-up of vacant space, embedded rental increases, and rolling below-market rents to market levels, the NOI is projected to substantially improve over the anticipated hold period
* The NOI is projected to grow by more than $512,000 (175%) upon stabilization (Year 3) and more than $695,000 (238%) over the anticipated 10-year hold period with a
CAGR of ±13%
* Assuming 100% occupancy at market rents, a Pro Forma NOI could exceed $791,000 – an 11%+ cap rate based on the current offering/list price