Located in Hollywood, the Property lies just off Gower Street between Santa Monica Boulevard and Melrose Avenue, and which is comprised of warehouse, retail and office buildings, and adjacent residential neighborhoods made up of a dense collection of homes and apartment buildings. The area has a well-established base of entertainment companies and productions studios such as Netflix, Paramount Pictures, Sunset Bronson Studios, and Sunset Gower Studios, and is undergoing tremendous growth with new office and apartment developments being built in the immediate area. Just east of the property along Santa Monica Boulevard is the proposed Echelon Studios (former Sears site) and Candy Factory (former Omega Cinema Props) creative office developments. All of this is contributing to the drastic improvement in demographics in the area, with higher average income and higher rents. The Property is
located within a half mile of the 101 Freeway, giving it excellent access to the greater Los Angeles region.