Located in a Montréal neighborhood enjoying strong renewal, LE 5800 building offers you bright, spacious office units that are renovated, functional and outfitted with all the comfort and conveniences you demand. Bicycle racks inside the building - Showers available for tenants. Outdoor terrace surrounded by greenery - Close proximity to surroundMANY SERVICES AND BENEFITS - 24/7 security and cameras - Parking: 162 indoor spaces, 220 outdoor spaces - Bicycle racks inside the building - Showers available for tenants - - Outdoor terrace surrounded by greenery - Close proximity to surrounding amenities (banks, pharmacies, post office) - On-site services: Café Vienne, Yamo Yamo Sushi, Éconofitness, yoga, tai-chi, ATMing amenities (banks, pharmacies, post office) - On-site services: Café Vienne, Yamo Yamo Sushi, Éconofitness, yoga, tai-chi, ATM.