Well maintained Neighborhood Shopping Center on high volume traffic Buttermilk Pike anchored by Bonefish Grill and Good Spirits. Recent 100-acre multi-million-dollar luxury home development in neighboring Villa Hills, KY leading to Buttermilk Pike access to retail, restaurants, interstate in front of our Center. Center is in front of Remke supermarket, Home Depot, LA Fitness, Field and Stream. Ft. Mitchell redevelopment on Buttermilk Pike has broken ground with plans for higher end residential senior housing, retail and medical space. Buttermilk Center has great visibility from highway, close to I-75-71-275, Pylon Signage, freshly painted with abundant parking. Heavy foot traffic with great variety of tenants including large liquor store, new Merle Norman, The Makery Professional Suites, Nailcare and Lash Salon and new popular restaurant La Torta Loca. Lilypad child play center is for 6 and under open play time and event scheduling. New tenant buildout on upper level is in progress.
Walgreens and Panera are within a block, 5/3, Heritage and PNC are within a couple blocks.