Casa Pacifica, Casa Fiesta and La Jolla Vista are licensed established Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE) all located in La Jolla. Casa Fiesta is listed at $2,900,000 for the real estate and the business at $200,000. La Jolla Vista is listed at $2,500,000 for the real estate and $200,000 for the business. Real estate only to be sold in conjunction with the purchase of the RCFE business and transfer of license. These beautifully appointed elderly accessible homes a total of 18 beds, located in a prestigious neighborhood in the La Jolla area serve client groups age 60 and over, licensed for non-ambulatory, hospice waiver in place and dementia and memory care. These are turn-key handicapped accessible properties representing an extraordinary business opportunity for the right buyer to potentially own and operate 3 successful RCFE's with staffing and residents in place. Owner prefers to sell all 3 together as a portfolio however is open to selling each location separately.