Offering Full Commission to Cooperating Broker* Please contact the listing broker for the details.
Cricklewood Grove Center with its superior architectural design offers competitively priced, high quality retail and office (general and/or medical) suites in a suburban setting with ample parking. The center has a very good tenant mix within city limits of the Town of Middletown. Strategically located on Route 71, within minutes to Route 299/301. Within close proximity to Route 1, Townsend, Odessa, & Smyrna.
Average daily traffic counts are 9,195.
Population for 2020 (within in 1 mile radius is 3,406), (within 3 mile radius is 27,637), & (within 5 mile radius is 42,737).
This property is within the Town of Middletown City Limits. Prospective tenants are encouraged to work with the City and make sure the type of business is approved by the Town of Middletown.
For additional information, or reports/demographics/executive summary, etc., please contact the listing agent.
Offering Full Commission to Cooperating Broker* Please contact the listing broker for the details.