This property is known as Northland Mobile Home Park. The park was established in 1960. This listing includes a total of 17.687 acres of land. This listing consists of seven parcels of land. Three of the parcels have established addresses of 400, 500 & 510 30th Ave NW.There are four parcels without established addresses included in the legal description information. They are all adjacent to the three lotswith addresses. The mobile home court was designed with 89 mobile home lots. The lot sizes of the day were smaller than today's standard lot sizes. There are an estimated 65 lots available after resizing. This listing also includes 15 mobile homes with titles and 7mobile homes without titles at this time. The park is currently operated by the owner. The condition of the park is average while the utilities are operational. This is a good opportunity for someone who is able to update the park and renovate the viable mobile homes.Call our office or your local realtor to arrange a showing.