45 Property SFH Canton, OH Portfolio Specialty FOR SALE

Canton, OH - Harter Heights
$6,595,000 USD
, Canton, OH for Sale
$6,595,000 USD
Specialty - FOR SALE
null | 9.17% Cap Rate

45 Property SFH Canton, OH Portfolio
Canton, OH
Harter Heights


  • 80% of Properties located within 2 miles or each other, remaining 20% all within 4 miles.


I am selling my personally owned portfolio of 45 LTR single family homes here in Canton, OH. Each of these properties upon purchase went through a top to bottom remodel, which I have personally GC’d each of these. All properties have been fully remodeled within the past 1-15 years. As the pictures will show some of, the interiors of these homes are some of the nicest rental properties you can find in our county or surrounding counties. There is a good bit of room for rent increases on each of these properties as the next round of leases comes due. For ease of property management, 80% of properties are located within 2 miles of each other, 100% of properties are located within 4 miles of each other. We have created a website to advertise this portfolio as well as a portfolio of three Airbnb’s I'm selling as well right next to the Pro Football Hall of Fame: website: www.cshrentals.com Our total Monthly rents at 100% occupancy are $64,010 Average Annual Rent Per Door at 100% occupancy is $17,070 Tenants pay all utilities, lawncare, and snow removal and are also responsible for water, sewer, and trash. Obviously, this is very beneficial to the net operating income. We self manage this portfolio with some assistance from one of the staff members of our primary company…….and it my primary business and it’s rapid growth that need my full attention, which is the primary reason why now is the time to let it go. Rent roll and P&L’s available upon request, please utilize the contact button on our website at www.cshrentals.com


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