Prime approximately 1.12 acres on highly traffi cked Azusa Ave (over 53,000k CPD) just offof East Temple Ave in La Puente, California. The property consists of an 1800 SFcommercial/retail stand alone building with its own parking lot with extra undevelopedland. The property has favorable commercial zoning for a variety of potential usesincluding retail, medical, and offi ce. It also has favorable residential overlay zoning thatallows up to 50 units/acre by right. The property is located on Azusa Ave is a mainthorough-fair that connects the 10 freeway to the North and the 60 freeway to the South ina densely populated area on the border of West Covina, City of Industry, and Walnut in theSan Gabriel Valley. The location is surrounded by major retailers including Target,Starbucks, Mcdonald's, Jack in the Box, Bank of America, Walgreens, Carls Jr., Del Taco,CVS, Panda Express, etc.