Currently the lot/site hosts a Detached Single-Family Home, occupied by month-to-month tenants, providing an annual short term income of $32k while planning for re-development also making it easier to finance with a lower cash down-payment requirement and potential better interest rate and terms. Can be delivered Vacant! VERY LOW PROPERTY TAXES only $3,600 PER YEAR.
Zoning Information:
-Previous zoning: 25'x100' lot - R5 infill
-New zoning: Additional air rights are available under the “City of Yes” zoning regulations (FAR 2). Development potential includes up to 5,000 sq ft with a community facility, allowing for up to 7 units, or up to 3,750 sq ft without a community facility, allowing for up to 5 units. Buyers must perform their own due diligence to confirm applicability.
Current rental income: approximately $32,000/year. Fully rented on a month-to-month basis, providing flexibility for the buyer. Whether you are looking to gut renovate or build a new building, this property is perfect! Enjoy great tenants on a month-to-month basis and collect rental income until plans are approved and construction is ready to start. Alternatively, the property can be delivered vacant upon request.
Disclosures: The listing broker is also a part owner of the property.