One of the last large developable tracts remaining on Croatan Hwy in Nags Head. Sale is subject to denomination approval process of the owner. Current zoning allows for Medium Density Residential (R-2). The R-2 medium-density residential district is intended to encourage the development of moderate-density residential neighborhoods that serve as a transition zone between the low-density area and more intensely developed areas. Structures in this district adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean are encouraged to be smaller in scale and designed to be adaptable to changing conditions. Next to the home of the East Coast's tallest dune, this Outer Banks park offers hang gliding, hiking & more.
Seller is open to all proposals but special consideration may be given to projects that involve the development of affordable or work force housing. Contact Mack King for more details.
Per current zoning site can possibly fit up to 16 single family home sites. No sewer along Croatan Hwy so septic will need to be accounted for in development plan.