We have a 5 kitchenette 61-room motel with a full commercial kitchen in the restaurant for sale in the beautiful Town of
Valleyview Alberta, Valleyview lies on the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin known for some of the largest oil & gas deposits in the
world, the Duvernay Formation, a rich source of natural gas and oil. The town is also located in an active geothermal area. It is one hour
east of Grand Prairie. The owner did a lot of upgrade work for this pretty motel. Electrical upgrade and packaged air conditioner units were
installed in 2015. Partial room upgrades and exterior upgrades happened in 2015. It has an off-sale counter, a restaurant, and a lounge
with VLT machines, VLT has an excellent income. The facility is run by an on-site manager Please see pics for hotel details. Seller financing
is available for the right, qualified buyers.