400 N. Woodbury Rd, Pitman, NJ is an ideal site for distribution, storage or manufacturing within a short radius of the Philadelphia market and its attendant shipping ports. A developer can build over one million square feet of new high Bay distribution or logistical facilities to accommodate almost every industry. Public water and sewer, electric service via Atlantic City Electric, and gas service via the South Jersey Gas Company are some of the utilities available to the property. The land is located in the borough of Pitman, NJ, in Gloucester County which is receptive to the development of modern warehouses. It is zoned PI or Planned Industrial which provides an as-of right distribution usage. Pitman has recently classified this property as eligible for special development policies as is allowed by NJ law.
The subject property is a former manufacturing facility located in the Borough of Pitman. Situated at the corner of Woodbury Glassboro
Road and Lambs Road, this facility was a hub of employment for over 50 years, producing vinyl records and later compact discs (CDs).
However, since its sale in 2013, it has been primarily used for storage.
The goal of this Redevelopment Plan is to transform this underutilized property into a thriving development that will make a significant impact on both the borough and the region.
The property, known as Block 138, Lot 1, is located at the southern corner of Woodbury Glassboro Road and Lambs Road. It consists of a
±500,000 square-foot former office and manufacturing facility that was previously owned by CBS and Sony. The property was later sold to N. Woodbury Rd LLC in 2013, along with the surrounding land totaling 76.14 acres. Approximately half of the land is developed with buildings,
parking areas, loading docks, and landscaping, while the other half remains wooded with wetlands and former wastewater lagoons. Within
the developed portion, you will find the main industrial facility, multiple parking and loading areas, and even a helipad.
The property's western boundary is adjacent to a rail line owned by New Jersey Transit and managed by Conrail. This rail line was a part of
the Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines (PRSL) West Jersey and Seashore Railroad (WJ&S) Millville Branch and is being considered for the proposed Glassboro-Camden Line expansion.
Regarding utilities, the property has access to public water and sewer services, electric service provided by Atlantic City Electric, and gas service provided by the South Jersey Gas Company.