-TC Verizon: 3527-A Lankford Highway Exmore VA 23350
-2800 s.f.
-Term-5 years (03/16/21- 03/15/26)
-Options Two 3 year options. First option rental increase of 20%; second option 6%
-Rent- $48,000.00/yr throughout term
-CAM-Full prorata but cap of 5% annual non-cumulative
-RE Taxes. Full pro rata
-HVAC Tenant maintains, contributes up to $1500.00/ yearly on repairs/replacement
-Roof and Structure-Landlord responsibility
-ABC Liquors-3527-B Lankford Highway Exmore, VA 23350
-2400 s.f.
-State of VA credit
-Term-10 years (06/01/21-05/31/31)
-Options-One 5 year 2% annual increases
-Rent $45,844.00 Increases 2% annually
-CAM-Full prorata
-RE Taxes-Full prorate
-HVAC-Landlord maintains and Tenant reimburses up to $1500.00/year for maintenance/repairs/replacement
-Roof and structure-Landlord responsibility