340 Elmwood Ave. is a versatile 1900’s Victorian mansion situated on a visible and easily accessible Elmwood Village thoroughfare! The asset enjoys strong occupancy and is comprised of both apartments and a rooming house setup, (which is fully licensed). This product type fills a demanding housing option for many home seekers with limited budgets and need requirements. The property offers some off-street parking, common laundry facilities. All utilities included!
340 Elmwood is in very close in proximity to downtown Buffalo, N.Y., the Canadian border and all major thruway arteries in and out of the city of buffalo and surrounding suburb locations.
This is an excellent opportunity to utilize the property in the same format, or potentially setup as owner occupied use, or Bed and Breakfast services and/or or AIRBNB services.
The property is always rents, both leases and month to month tenancy. Updated mechanicals and roof.
The apartments come with appliances and the rooms have common and modern bathroom facilities profession monitored and cleaned weekly!
340 Elmwood has direct access to public transportation and is close to the medical coordinator and Buffalo CBD.