Three residences and a +/- 5000 SF Warehouse are available. (4th home has been condemned over 10 years). City of American Canyon will allow each home to be improved at 50% of current value. Homes cannot go vacant for 6 months or more or they will lose their Legal Non-Conforming status. New General Plan shows the property to be Local Serving Mixed Use however please reach out to Listing agent who will get you data and correspondence from the City of American Canyon that will show that Cal Trans has not made a plan for Hwy 29 improvements thus the property cannot be developed commercially at this time. +/- 440 Feet of HWY 29 Frontage, Railroad tracks paralleling rear of property, 42’ Maximum building height (Four Floors), 40’ Landscape setback requirement from Hwy 29, Floor Area Ratio is .50. Upon request; Fault Line Study, Survey, Soils Report, Phase 1 Environmental Report.