The property is primarily an "off-highway" location, exit 110 off I-94 Expressway. The property is located next door to a Denny's Restaurant and truck stop gas station. The I-94 and I-69 Interchange are located just one exit from the property capturing traffic traveling North and South and East and West. Chicago is 140 miles to the West and the Detroit Metro Airport is 82 miles to the East.
There are numerous corporate generators: Borg Warner, Tenneco, Eaton Corporation, Star Commonwealth, Consumer Energy training center, Autocam, OaklawnHospital, Campbells Soup, and Company, and Ford Motor Company announced the construction of a 3 billion EV Battery Plant to be built in Marshall (February 14, 2023)
Marshall historical district is a major tourist attraction with many examples of 19th-century architecture registered on the National Historic Landmark Register. Marshall is also home to Albion College, Olivet College, Firekeepers Casino (6 miles away), and Battle Creek 'Cereal City".