Formerly known as S&H Terminal, a prominent automotive establishment with a distinguished racing history, 323 Hope Avenue lives on as "The Pit Stop." The property is uniquely positioned amidst a mix of industrial buildings, residential developments, major retail outlets including the world's largest Costco, and offers direct access to the high-traffic I-15 interstate, ensuring high visibility to approximately 32,000 passing vehicles daily.
The property's layout is flexible, accommodating either a single tenant or division for up to four distinct tenants. Desired industries include Hospitality, Bars and Restaurants, Retail, Health and Wellness, Office and Creative Light-Industrial. Available spaces range from 1,400 to 8,000 square feet with an abundance of onsite and street parking.
Key Property Features:
• Power: 200 amps of 240V 3-phase power
• Parking: 40 parking stalls
• Roof: New Roof
• Clear Height: Variable heights from 12 to 18 feet
• Lease: NNN