0.34 acre lot located in San Juan Capistrano. San Juan
Capistrano Planning Sector A-1 which allows for Gen. Retail,
Commercial Services, Food & Lodging, Business Offices,
Medical/Dental Offices, Senior Apartments, and/or Single
Family Residence. Conditional Uses; Veterinary Office/Clinic,
Interior Decorators Office. Great opportunity and a Panoramic
View of the Valley City Lights. Great live/work location.
Property is located near the intersection of Rancho Viejo
Road and Ortega Highway. To view the property enter the
Seasons Senior Apartment complex off Rancho Viejo Rd south
of Ortega Hwy. Turn left once you enter the parking lot and
follow the road to the turn around. The drive way is on the left
end of the turn around and has a gate to the entrance. To gain
access to the building, please call for appointment.