Stand alone Building on heavy trafficked main street, on a bus route
14 Parking spaces + Handicapped space
Rear Exit with Handicapped Ramp, ADA Compliant
Internal Security System and Other Security Deterrents (O incidents)
Compliant Emergency Lighting
All Brick Exterior
Professionally Landscaped
Exterior Lit Sign
7 Rooms/Office Spaces + Lobby, Clerical/Processing Space, Conference Room and Kitchen, as well as 2 Restrooms (1 Handicapped Accessible), and 4 storage spaces as well as crawl space
Stand alone Brick and Mortar Business for sale on a highly visible busy main street location. Building Improvements
1) Roof in 2014
2) HVAC System and Hot Water Heater ($9k) 2013
3) Front Porch/Cement 2017
4) 2 Updated Restroom
5) Electrical Updates (Upgraded and added Fire/Safety Exit Signs, etc.)
7) Hot Water Heater, HVAC Equipment Updated
Optional Business Includes:
Initial Business investment $13,000 (licenses, furnishings, fixtures, sign, etc.)
Consigned Inventory Value Estimate $400,000 (can provide inventory catalogue)
Furnishing/Fixtures $15,000 (Commercial Sign, Website and POS System, Equipment, Supplies, Furniture, etc.)