Two buildings for sale. Building C has 4650 SF with a large office, plenty of open space. The bathroom does need up-fitting, two roll up doors, a walk in door and a loading dock. Formerly used for storing furniture and supplies. Building E has 5000 SF, open floor p[an, with a large bathroom, two roll up doors and a walk in door. The property has plenty of level parking on the sides of both buildings and behind the Building E that was most recently used for manufacturing Granite Counter Tops and previously was a Collision Center for restoring vehicles. There is Seneca Light, Water, Sewer, Garbage utilities services in place. There is Ft. Hill Gas on site to tap on to. There is 120 volt 1 phase, 220 volt 3 phase and 480 volt 3 phase in place. Buyers to verify everything of importance including square footage. Also available on a separate bill of sales is a Granite Equipment Package offered at $ 48,500 includes a Matrix Triton Bridge Stone Saw-10 years old and comes with a Hydraulic Tift Table, an Abaco Dehydrator Filter, a custom built Water Filtration Sytem that allows for water to be filtered and re-used.