Newly rezoned to TC1 (Transit Corridor), this location presents as a redevelopment and/or investment opportunity (commercial/multi-family) on busy Plymouth Road.
The Plymouth Orchard Professional Building is currently 92% occupied and is a modern two story multi-tenant office building. Abundant parking. Building signage available. Basement storage.
It is located on busy Plymouth between Nixon and Green Roads on an AATA bus line. One mile from US-23. Two miles from downtown Ann Arbor.
TC1 Transit Corridor
A. General Intent Statement
This district is intended along existing transit corridors with regular fixed service provided by the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority primarily on established commercial and office sites, often with deep front setbacks, vast surface Parking Lots and lower Floor Area Ratios than the previous zoning designation allowed. This district has been created to facilitate, encourage, and support redevelopment and infill development to realize mixed use developments and achieve mixed use corridors that support and sustain transit service as well as encourage affordable housing, enable more housing choices, more sustainable forms of development, with reduced resource and energy needs. Pedestrian-friendly designs are critically important in this district as all transit users of any mode begin and end their trips as pedestrians. Application of this district will further the goals expressed in all elements of the City’s master plan, particularly the Sustainability Framework, the Land Use Element, the Climate Action Plan, and the Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
B. Specific Purpose Statements
When approving a petition to rezone a site from its current designation to TC1, the Planning Commission and City Council should consider the following specific purpose statements:
1. This district may replace the O, RE, ORL, C2B, C3, P, R5 and M1 districts. It should only replace other zoning designations in unique and rare instances where another zoning district is entirely surrounded by the specifically mentioned districts.
2. This district should be located proximate to a transit corridor, meaning a street with an existing fixed transit service. All areas of parcels zoned TC1 should be no more than ½ mile from a transit stop.
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