Northern Liberties, also known as “NoLibs” is a historic neighborhood that has transformed into one of Philadelphia’s trendiest neighborhoods known for its cool, artsy vibe. Formally Philly’s manufacturing district, Northern Liberties merges the old and new with charming affordable rowhouses to upscale apartments available for rent. Nestled along the Delaware River bordering Center City and Callowhill, which is also known for its vibrant arts and culture scenes, Northern Liberties offers residents an abundance of amenities. The neighborhood is walkable and pedestrian-friendly with several transit stops and amble bike racks throughout the neighborhood. You’ll find locals walking to one of the many popular brunch spots, thrilling bars, authentic international restaurants, art galleries, and more every day.
Amazon is moving into the area within a few blocks.
Move in condition with lots of visibility and heavy car traffic all day.
Move-in storefront available for lease in hip Northern Liberties area.
This location boasts high traffic and lots of new residential development.
The perfect location for a bagel shop, pizza store, pharmacy, optometrist, coffee shop, salon, barber shop, cell phone store, real estate office, package delivery store, check cashing, or any person looking for a lot of exposure.