This is an unique property sale consisting of a 42,617sf super energy efficient building complex on a 7 acre site. Originating as a media arts college, the site is now IMAGINX, a media campus serving the film and media arts community. .
The Monolithic Dome property is much more than offices, studios and event space. It’s a potential FILM STUDIO COMPLEX or MEDIA ARTS UNVERSITY, CHURCH or CORPORATE CENTER.
It's also an opportunity to be operated alongside any or all of five business units … each a scalable profit center. Each business unit benefits from unique built in operating space. One sample space is Born2Rock Recording Studios.
Plan to visit the summary website describing the potential business units driving high ROI to a possible 8 figures. Site is:
Property is value priced having been appraised in 2022 at a higher valuation ... and is now an active member of the enriched Raleigh community.