Rancho Palos Verdes Shopping Center Currently Undergoing Multi-Million Dollar Renovation. Join New Tenant Lineup Including - Habit Burger, California Fish Grill, Urbane Cafe, Mattress Firm, Piccini Italian, Pacific Dental, O'Reilly, Movita Juice Bar, and More. Only 2 Spaces Remaining - 789 and 845 SF! Delivery Q1 2025
Seeking Restaurant/Retail/Medical/Fitness Tenants. Join National Tenants Already in Negotiations. Property has Incredible Visibility along Western and Irreplaceable Pylon Signage. Restaurant Spaces Have Extensive Patios. Incredible Curb Appeal. Fantastic Opportunity for the Trade Area's New Jewel Property.
Situated along Western Avenue, the property extends a full block from Capitol to Park Western-- A bullseye amid the trade area. Highly active retail corridor draws consistent consumer traffic from the surrounding community's affluent residents. Surrounded by countless A+ national retailers. Located close to the nearby Port of Los Angeles and its numerous employees.