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Peachtree City GA Restaurant for Sale
Qora – Peruvian Cafe is located at 2731 GA-54, Peachtree City, GA 30269.
Formerly Athena’s Pizzeria & Greek Cuisine was well-established and profitable so an obvious choice to convert back to.
Sale does not include name, business, financial records or recipes.
Seating for 35 with a large outdoor seating area.
#1 Peachtree City Location
Fully equipped and turnkey.
Large Nationally anchored regional shopping center anchored by Best Buy, Home Depot, Aldi’s, Wal-Mart, Chase Manhattan Bank, Five Guys, Panda Express, Poke Bar, T-Mobile, Marble Slab Creamery, and Mexican Restaurant in addition to other retailers.
Priced at $130,000