This property is located in Sumter County, South Carolina with ±81,295 SF available of manufacturing space. The property sits on ±30.66 acres and features 20'-21'10" clear heights, (9) 2-ton cranes, (1) 6-ton crane, dock-high doors (9’x10’) 1 drive-in door (14’x16’) and more. Located in central South Carolina, Sumter County is home to Shaw Air Force Base. The county has a population of 108,000 and a population of 1.2 million within a 45-mile radius. For global industry, Sumter County offers strategic advantages including close proximity to major markets, manufacturers and tier suppliers as well as ports on the Eastern Seaboard; a skilled workforce; rapid transportation and market reach; and lower costs of operation. These advantages support success across multiple sectors such as manufacturing, aerospace and biomedical. Learn more on the Sumter Edge website: For more information, please contact the brokers.