This property can be zoned for any commercial roadside business. NOTE; I-69 is completed to Bloomington IN, as of Jan 2019 construction is underway to extend it to Indianapolis and connect with I-69 North. This final extension will be completed in the next few years. This will complete the I-69 project from Mexico to Canada. Our location is halfway between Indianapolis and Evansville and is considered a major exit. Remember; our property is the first accessible property past the Hwy right-of-way fence at this exit and is in full view of both North and South bound traffic, a sign on our property will be the first sign in view in traffic both directions.
This property also has a 1500 SF ranch house with three bedrooms. It has undergone some exterior/interior upgrades recently and has been leased for the last 8 yrs. So far this year (Jan 1 - April 10, 2024) , several Interstate restaurants, convenience marts, apartment developers and Truck Stops have inquired about purchasing this property. A lease is negotiable