Leisure/Recreation (L/R) future land-use/zoning district, Chapter 2-204 of the Polk County Land Development Code, The purpose of the L/R district is to provide for facilities and areas oriented primarily towards providing recreation-related services. This parcel would indeed be feasible for the use, Chapter 2-205, Table 2.1 of the Land Development Code. The proposed usage of developing a Mobile Home park is permissible, pending approval of a Level 3 Review to be determined by Planning and Zoning. There can be a proposed use of an RV Park or Recreational Vehicle Park if desired, pending an approved Level 2 Engineered Site Plan Review to be allowed on either parcel, granted the zoning district. As for residential uses, both multi-family and subdivision are also allowed, pending approval of their appropriate level of review. The base density of the L/R zoning when being used in the capacity of a residential usage would be 10 dwelling units an acre, Chapter 2, Table 2.2 of the Polk County Land Development Code. Developing Multi-family residence would also require just a Level 2 Review to have a site plan approved before permits could be issued. This land can also serve as a Retreat and Lodges, and also be residential tailored or commercial use, to which would also be allowable, pending a Level 3 Review process. For a list of more achievable, commercial uses that can be had, please refer to Chapter 2-205, Table 2.1 of the Polk County Land Development Code or check with Polk County Planning and zoning.