- Zoning: ER-4 Eclectic Residential; 4 OS - Open Space
- Frontage: Approximately 288 feet along the south side of Hoover Avenue and 293.33 feet along the north side of Kammer Avenue
- Utilities: Water, sewer, electric, natural gas and telephone
- Street Access: Surface (Asphalt);
- Maintenance (public); Storm Sewer; Curb/Gutter; Sidewalk; Street Lights
- Topography: The topography of the site is basically level to gently sloping. There are no known soil or subsoil conditions that would adversely affect the development of the site. There are no known adverse easements, encroachments, or other conditions, which would have a negative impact on the subject site or the improvements other than the overall economics of the area.
- Drainage: satisfactory
-The site is basically irregular in shape with frontage along the south side of Hoover Avenue and the north side of Kammer Avenue. The ingress and egress is considered to be adequate as the site has access from Hoover Avenue, Kammer Avenue amd Michael Avenue.