The Property:
Location: Central parcel within Celebration Village
Access: The site offers multiple points of ingress and egress within a thoughtfully designed internal street grid.
Parcel Size: 3.07 Acres
Parcel Shape: Irregular, Generally Rectangular
Lot Dimensions: Roughly 375’ x 295’
Zoning: Multi-Family Residential District (R-4)
Topography: The parcel is flat and graded to street level.
Wetlands: None
Zoning Summary:
Current Zoning: Special District-Planned Redevelopment District (SD-PRD)
Municipality Governing Zoning: City of Grand Rapids Planning & Zoning Department
Neighborhood Classification: Modern Era Neighborhood Classification (MON)
Zoning Overlay: East Beltline Overlay District (OD-EBL)
Permitted Uses: Uses including but not limited to multiple family dwellings, single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, manufactured housing communities, adult foster care facilities, educational uses, offices, personal services, retail sales, and outdoor activities.