Sales Price: $599,000
2101 NE Holliday Avenue
Bend, OR 97701
Tax Account: 171227DB01000
Acres: 0.46 (20,037 SF)
Zoning: RM- Residential Medium Density
The Medium Density Residential District is intended to provide primarily for the development of multi-unit residential in areas where sewer and water service are available. The residential density range in the district is 7.3 to 21.7 units per gross acre and must provide a transitional use area between other Residential Districts and other less restrictive areas.
Current Use: Vacant
Max Site Coverage: 60% allowable
FAR: 1.1 or 22,041 allowable
Density: 7.3 to 21.7 units allowable
Height Limit: 40’ allowable
Parking: OAR 660-012-0430 may not be required for units under 750 SF allowable