The U.S. General Services Administration's (“GSA") Public Buildings Service (“PBS”) Great Lakes Region 5 ("PBS R5") is pleased to issue this Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") for the redevelopment of the State Street Properties buildings and land (the "Properties"), a collection of properties within the downtown Loop Retail Historic District, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and located at 202, 208-212, 214 & 220 South State Street, Chicago, Illinois, under the jurisdiction, custody, and control of the GSA. This redevelopment of the Properties (referred to herein as the “Project”) offers a unique opportunity to redevelop federally owned property through Section 111 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (“NHPA”). Section 111 of the NHPA gives Federal agencies broad authority to use and lease historic properties to keep underutilized historic buildings occupied and financially viable. Section 111 allows Federal agencies to out-lease any underutilized historic property owned by the agency, including portions of historic properties.