201 Sigma Drive is a premier trophy office building located directly in Charleston’s path of growth. Located just 25 miles from historic downtown Charleston in the thriving Nexton community in Summerville and easily accessible from I-26, 201 Sigma Drive is more than just a Certified LEED Gold Class A+ office building, it is part of a mixed-use community that fosters business growth and attracts a talented workforce.
Who wouldn’t want to work in an easily accessible, stunning office building surrounded by outdoor parks and numerous walkable amenities? With the newly finished and ever-growing retail options within walking distance at Nexton Square, the only difficult decision tenants have to make is where to eat lunch.
201 Sigma has high visibility from I-26 and is within close proximity to facilities for Volvo, Walmart, Mercedes-Daimler and Boeing as well as Charleston International Airport. As part of Summerville’s Nexton community, a 4,500 acre plus mixed-use development that will include over 10,000 residential units and over 2,000 acres of parks and nature trails, 201 Sigma Drive provides employers with the opportunity to establish a presence in one of the most vibrant areas in not just the Charleston area, but the entire country