Acreage Land Use : Parcel consist of two Folio #’s : 013282-0000 & folio # 013282-0020.
Folio # 013282 is a 6.49 acres and this parcel went through a land use ( Hillsborough County Comp
Plan) change from R-1 to R-4 (Residential—4 homes per acre). The parcel still has to go through a
rezoning process to change the current zoning from ASC-1 to RSC-4. The parcel Folio # :
013282.0020 is a 3.78 acre parcel with no address that the current Land Use is R-1 or one home per
acre. This parcel must go through a Hillsborough County Comp plan land use change to R-4 and then
a rezoning process to RSC-4 . After a wetland survey is obtained, then a buyer could determine how
many homes could be built on the parcel. The parcel has between 4.5 to 4.8 acres of wetland. On
Geraci Road is a 4” force main and a 8” water line. Birchwood Preserve Subdivision is adjacent to
the parcel on the west and Lake Fern Villas Subdivision on the east.
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