Subject property is 1.24 acres (54,014 square feet) in size with an existing 3,820 sq. ft. building (built in 2004) together with 5-drive-thru canopied lanes(formerly Regions Bank). Square feet of said drive-thru under roof is 1,998, bringing the total square feet of both core building and drive-thru combined to 5,816. Zoning designation of said property is Commercial Planned Development. Property has 220.05 ft length frontage along U.S. 41 right-of-way with 320 ft of dedicated right-in turn lane (exceeds Florida Dept. of Transportation standard length) and common easement access streets on two sides of the subject property with three access points in total. Average number of vehicles per day is 55,000 (2022 traffic count). Convenient ingress and egress access service road to surrounding businesses. The storm water management system consists of a master dry retention pond (offsite) managed by the association that supports run-offs through the subject property via 5 catch basin inlets. Available on-site below surface utilities connections are potable water (2" with 1" backflow preventer), sanitation sewer (6"), power, cable, and irrigation. Sanitation sewer line is connected to an offsite master lift station. Option to ground lease is available. Excellent location for quick service restaurant. Subject building can expand to 5,816 sq. ft. under roof. Call 239.245.8477 for additional details.