Please do not disturb tenant. Tours by appointment. For sale. Property will be vacated at sale.
? Building Size: ±99,000 SF (Divisible)
? Office Size: ±3,000 SF
? Land: ±132,422 SF / ±3.04 AC
? Ceiling: 13’ - 22’ Clear Height
? Roof: Built-Up Rubber & Foam Roof
(Barrel Roof In Sections)
(Renewed Trusses)
? Column Spacing: 50’ X 25’
? Loading: 4 Interior Loading Docks with
Manual Risers / 4 DIDs
? Lighting: LED Lights
? Parking: ±18,000 SF - Gated Lot South
End - ±12,000 Sf Gated Lot
? Sprinklers: Automatic Wet System with
Remote Fire Monitoring
? Water Service: 3” Water - 8” Sprinkler
? HVAC: Suspended Gas-Fired Heat
(A/C In Office Areas)
? Security: Full System with Cameras and
Exterior Lighting
? Year Built: 1949 with several upgrades since
? Construction: Brick, Masonry Block, Steel,
and Wood
? Zoning: PMD 9 - Planned
Manufacturing District
? TIF: NW Industrial Corridor
(Renewed Until 2034)
? Ward: #36
? Enterprise Zone: Yes
? Opportunity Zone: No
? RE Taxes: $1.13 PSF
? Sale Price: $6,500,000