The land is zoned C-MX-3. Which is Urban Center – Mixed Use with development capped at 3 stories. There are no applicable minimum zone lot sizes or unit minimums in the zone district (but plans and subdevelopment are subject to zoning approval)
There is also a sub-zone description of M-GMX, which is General Mixed Use, which permits additional building forms and uses, but this requires the submission of a regulating plan and an official map amendment and I don't believe your intent is to go through an involved entitlements process, so I won't go over that.
The C-MX zone district permits the following building forms:
· Town House (side-by-side units)
· Drive Thru Services and Drive Thru Restaurant
· Commercial Shopfront
· General – which permits all other commercial and residential uses
The General Building Form is very broad and encompasses single unit, multi-unit, mixed use and all commercial activities permitted within the zone district (which are also fairly broad). Most uses are subject to zoning permit approval to ensure that the proposed use meets the requirement of the zone district. But you could build townhomes, condos, apartments, a hotel, a restaurant, a parking garage, a shopping center, or a medical office. The surrounding area has a hodgepodge of building forms, including medical offices, condos and large apartment buildings, but in the sub-area where the property is located (MX-3) it is primarily townhomes. The good news is that the zone district encourages density so you are going to be able to squeeze a lot on the land. The zone district requires the front of all development be set back no more than 10' - 15' off of the street and there is no rear set back and side lot lines are 5' for townhomes and 0' for general development forms.