Marcus and Millichap are pleased to present 1.1 Acres of Apartment Development Land that has been up-zoned from R-1 to R-4. This property is located at 1708 Hendricks Lane. With APNs: This Developmental Land has nearby access to Electrical transformers, City Sewers, Storm drains, and City Water. This Property is Located in the vicinity of surrounding Multifamily, Residential, and a Large Retail Shopping Center with a heavy footprint/ Traffic.
The R-4 zone is intended primarily to provide for attached dwellings with common outdoor areas and compact private outdoor spaces, and to accommodate various types of group housing. Further, the R-4 zone intended to allow for dense housing close to concentrations of employment and college enrollment, in the downtown core, along transit corridors and nodes, and in areas largely committed to high-density residential development. 1650 § 3 (Exh. B), 2018). Any use permitted in the R-1, R-2 or R-3 zones are permitted on an R-4 Zoning.
According to Bakersfield's Planning Department, under the R-4 designation the maximum allowable dwelling units per acre is between 20-30 units.
Buyers to conduct their own due diligence with Bakersfield's planning department for more information on R-4 Development Land.
With its convenient location in Bakersfield, you are near High Schools, Jr High Schools and Elementary Schools. Within a mile Bakersfield's Valley Plaza Mall is near this Developmental Land.
This Property is a Multifamily Builder's Dream Project!!